Understanding depression is hard for people that have never truly experienced before. Depression comes and goes, out doesn't stay around all the time and you're just never happy ever contrary to what many may think. It comes and goes like a cycle but is always with you. Depression is in a sense like emotional herpes.
The main thing is that it's not only an emotional feeling but a physical one. You wake up in pain with no cause, it becomes hard to do daily tasks without feeling drained and headaches happen. It's easy for someone who has never experienced depression to look at it and go sooooooo what the person is just really sad? Suck it up! When it isn't just about being sad, it's about being trapped, lost, and without cause. Things just seem hopeless, so you do less, the less you do, the more it piles up to where things are almost hopeless.
Strong, weak, and in between people have it. Some handle it better than others.