Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Veganism Experiment
Yesterday I posted a photo around the end of
my work day showing my meal and titled it
"Veganism Day 1/30" I never fully explained
what that was exactly, so here it is. At my
current job(which I am leaving in 3.5 days)
the architect that I work with is a vegan and
his stance on eating confuses the living hell
out of all mangers in the office(I myself
understand what veganism is). I decided after
several conversations with him the treatment
of animals in meat production, health, and
processed food that I would do an experiment
of sorts to inform the people I know more
about this way of life.
In the later parts I will post the generic
experimental steps and what not and how I
plan to achieve this etc.
Right now however I want to share an
interesting thing about veganism, there are
two sides to it. Meaning? There is a side for
those that only in it for the extreme health
benefits that come with it and there are those
that are there for the preservation of animal
rights, as well as to stand against
corporations that produce the mass amounts
of processed food distributed to society along
with the pesticide and GM(genetically
modified) grown crops of america.
My co worker started because of the health
reasons and transition over to the Eco-conscious side due to his girlfriend
enlightening him on the other side of things.I
am starting for the health benefits that are
said to go along with it.
What is Veganism?
Being a vegan means not eating any product
that has come from an animal(this includes
Difference from vegetarianism?
Vegetarians eat egg whites, drink milk and
consume other dairy products,while vegans
do not.
P.S Vegetarians that eat fish are actually
Now for the experiment part of this posting.
Will becoming a vegan positively or negatively
effect my health?
Take the steps in becoming a vegan and stick
to them for a month
Becoming a vegan will have an adverse effect
on my health in the beginning yet as the
month goes on I will be able to adapt and the
processed food will leave my body during this
Today is day two of this experiment, I am
currently still rocky on food consumption and
am consuming under 800 cal. a day. With the
help of my co-worker I am gaining knowledge
on what is and is not okay to eat. I am
keeping a record of my food intake with the
MyFitnessPal app which uses extensive
charts to monitor my vitamin, sodium and fat
intake during this time. At the end of each
week I will post a blog detailing my body's
current reaction to transition as well as the
day to day charts of the week and compare
them to a month's worth of charts prior to my
experiment. On top of this I will be doing a
weigh in soon to check for any weight loss or
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