Friday, 30 August 2013

Over the summer a new website made its way to and it's like formspring...but meaner lol
On my friends and I tend to be the subject I pretty rude and messed up question and comments.
My friend Lizz a fellow blogger I used to think got crazy questions on her ask account until I shared my account link on my Facebook page... Things started to go a bit crazy from there.
From people admitting they have crushes on me, to girls calling me a slut and calling me out on past mistakes I've made. There was a bit of everything on there .
The top topics on my page? 
My relationship with Ace
Sex life
People bashing and calling me a slut
There are also the constant accusations of lying on answers
To be fair they're right I do lie on some answers because honestly it is none of your business.
Most of the relationship questioners want me to break up with my bf so they can date one of us, it's pretty frustrating. 
Questions about our relationship, honestly our relationship has its glitches  like all relationships do. And right now we may not know where the future will take us,but we know where we would like it to take us. 
Personal questions about my relationship that involve my bf and I do not answer truthfully lol.
That's mega private stuff and he takes offence  to how I answer those questions so yes, I play dumb(sometimes) an other times I lie to avoid those questions. 
Thought the funniest ones are the one insulting me or asking what it would take to sleep with me.
The first ones I love because I know the bitches asking them and it's like really?? I know who you are and you have like no life to actually find my profiles online and harass me on them with comments and questions concerning past mistakes I've made.
The other one I find crazy because it's like really??? You're asking me that anonymously ??? 
Below are some photos of the 'questions' we get asked.
If you want to ask me anything here is my link: 

Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings are the main reason I try not to invite friends over.
My mother can be strange to say the least she cleans or plans shopping trips just to yell and berate everyone in her way.
I used to think of them as Saturday mornings because it only happened on Saturdays when I was younger, then Saturdays became Sundays  Sundays Mondays and so on. I'm not sure why she is like this, originally I used to wonder why she hated me so much and was so unhappy even with all the things that should make her happy in her life.
Recently though I finished reading a book by a very thoughtful japanese author Haruki Murakami. It was called Sputnik Sweetheart, The main character's crush Mui lost a part of herself as a young adult. Afterwards she was incapable of loving anyone or feeling anything real. She became hollow and her hair tuned white. Soon the main character disappeared as well to same place as that part of her. The other side was what it was referred to as. 
That place was describe as to what would be considered and alter dimension or other life. In this life the two main characters could be together(one was gay in the current one) and they could go to the lunch they planned yet never made it to.
I like to think that if a place like that exist it could be the place where my parents are still together and happy, my mother has that missing part of her the same as my grandmother and things could be 'normal' 
On my account I get asked a lot what am I afraid of, and I usually say losing love but I realise that sounds misleading and could be interpreted as me being afraid to lose my bf. that is not it at all I'm afraid to lose the part of me that is able I love someone and feel compassion for others. 
The topic of Saturday mornings is just the strange and angry behaviour my mother displays where she is irrational, withdrawn and mean. She tends to say crude things that se later seems to not care or even think about, how it effects someone. 
I sometimes like to imagine what it would be like to be on the that 'other side' Murakami spoke of. 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Summer Update

I've been super busy the last couple of months I dove right into another semester of classes during the summer.
The semester ended with an amazing display of final thesis presentations by the talented graduates of the design school. Some of who I knew personally.
Rin Shen is one of those amazing artists mentioned.
below is her work as well as the work of other graduates

There was a nice Max Brennor's Trip to celebrate finals ending with some pretty awesome friends.

Also!!!! I GRADUATED!!!!!!! (SORT OF) lol I have one online class that i supposed to take in the summer but they postponed it for the Fall -___________- ass hats.
Ace couldn't make it to the graduation due to being extremely sick....however my friends Susana and Mei were able to come :) we enjoyed an adventure of going to chinatown in the rain and eating at the superstore there :D
I was also a flag bearer :D super fun.

Afterwards.......Of course there was an afterwards......

Summer school, work again during the summer, and times of funnnnnn.
I took so many pictures during math class at 9am and omw to summer school because heck it was like 7am  lol
Enjoy the many photos from summer school/work

Also there were good-byes :(
This was my last summer working at FIT which is sad but its time to move on :( i took a bunch of good bye photos in the lab.

Along with the crazyness of that and going out, I've been working on my a LOT more lol. I learned from it a good couple of things too which i will share later.