Thursday, 1 August 2013

Summer Update

I've been super busy the last couple of months I dove right into another semester of classes during the summer.
The semester ended with an amazing display of final thesis presentations by the talented graduates of the design school. Some of who I knew personally.
Rin Shen is one of those amazing artists mentioned.
below is her work as well as the work of other graduates

There was a nice Max Brennor's Trip to celebrate finals ending with some pretty awesome friends.

Also!!!! I GRADUATED!!!!!!! (SORT OF) lol I have one online class that i supposed to take in the summer but they postponed it for the Fall -___________- ass hats.
Ace couldn't make it to the graduation due to being extremely sick....however my friends Susana and Mei were able to come :) we enjoyed an adventure of going to chinatown in the rain and eating at the superstore there :D
I was also a flag bearer :D super fun.

Afterwards.......Of course there was an afterwards......

Summer school, work again during the summer, and times of funnnnnn.
I took so many pictures during math class at 9am and omw to summer school because heck it was like 7am  lol
Enjoy the many photos from summer school/work

Also there were good-byes :(
This was my last summer working at FIT which is sad but its time to move on :( i took a bunch of good bye photos in the lab.

Along with the crazyness of that and going out, I've been working on my a LOT more lol. I learned from it a good couple of things too which i will share later.

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