Monday, 4 February 2013

Qipao(Mandarin) 旗袍/ Chenogsam/Mandarin Gown

Qipaos (Mandarin) or the Mandarin Dress in English, is a traditional yet very modern adopted article of Chinese clothing. I will not go into massive detail where I continue on about the adaptation of the qipao from the original design to the moderns, where at some point I throw in my political views or there is just so much history it takes away from the beauty of the gown and the theme of the blog post series I am currently doing(Valentine's Day Worldwide).
I will however say this, the new takes on this old favourite are nothing short of exquisite, traditional qipaos have unique and intricate designs to begin, like saris it becomes a matter of playing with fabric match ups and the transperancy of the fabric.
Below are some links to more historical information on qipaos. \
Now for fashion. :)

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