Thursday, 7 February 2013


I used to worry a lot... about myself and about my friends I realize that many of the people who I believe we're friends were not very good friends..or my friends at all ,and recently I actually found friends legitimately good friends.
and I realize that 1 thing that I have in common with these new friends that I found recently, is that we've all been screwed over by people who we thought were friends and have just learned the hard way that sometimes people just suck...
so I really worry about my friends becaus.. it's more I understand how much people suck and I worry about when I leave and when I leave school and I'm not here anymore. what's going to happen to them are they all going to drift apart into separate entities or go back to being lonely and living miserable kind of pissed off lives.

recently I realize that i don't need to worry about them...I introduced friends to each other so there  aren't so many lonely hours wondering around. because they've found friends within friends. I'm really happy about this I'm glad that I can see them having fun with each other, it makes me happy to see my friends happy...

That is really lame i know, but I kind of a lame person...truthfully I'm a pretty sad person myself,i work all the time and barely have enough time even see my bf i saw him for the first time in a month two days ago. I like working, it helps me forget that i really don't have many friend i can count on until feels strange having people i can call friends...

The pics posted are ones i took and my friends took, of things we did, or  each other.
I feel really grateful for having these people in my life...even though we met last semester out started knowing more about each other then, sometimes things go well and its an amazing moving to this happy place that you never knew existed...i feel like i can be new kind of happy.

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