Time is relevant.
It seems that I never have enough of it.

Other times I wish that it would slip threw my fingers like fine grains of sand that are gone before I can even feel the sensation of them of my skin.
Recently I have been doing persona pieces and reflecting how my Persona is during those times.
As i draw out my I realized how depressing/depressed i am during most of the day.
If its actually really sad...my train persona is nervous and sad. Science class depressed. My persona in general its just hiding from people,i don't pretend to be someone I'm not, I just hide/want to hide from people.
They just really really suck I have friends that don't suck.but then others do, i hate it so much....I'm always trying to hide because I'msimply tired of having to guess who sucks and who doesn't. If I hide away then I won't get hurt by people. That is very silly I know, but very true.
All the time however my persona is hiding.
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