Sunday, 17 March 2013

Springfest 2013

So this year i went to Springfest for the first time. For those not familiar as to what that is, its a Brooklyn based convention at NYU Poly.  There are panels, contests, vendors,a maid cafe, and a lot of pretty awesome people.
My friend Pam was there as well selling her bows, entitled pretty little things and boy are they everadorable!!! They're inexpensive, handmade and amazing. There is a pic of me wearing them in this post. I have to thank Erica and Eve for coming from anime club. David(Erica's twin) as well even though he's not in the club lol. It was a lot of fun.Every thing from a large convention only without the crowd. Worth the $20.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

The Jewish Museum

  I'm not particularly knowledgeable of Jewish artists, however i was amazed at the pieces i saw. The movement pieces were stunning, and the science behind them were completely brilliant.
Though contemporary dance is not my most liked method of expressing contemporary art it is very interesting to look at. Sharon Lockhorn expressed the motions of the human body, also if you notice below, Bret being Bret I took tons of photos of things I’m not supposed to.

I learned and was finally caught by a passing security guard (after photo number 35) that no pictures are allowed in the space(still took another 42 more).
I love when there is a science and layout behind things especially in art, it shows so much more beauty and depth to it, by saying there is something much more to this than just an odd yet pretty piece. There is math, science and precision that takes place, this is the beauty of the world, when the logical crosses and blends with the typically illogical and creates this yet amazing beauty. I simply love it, I can’t really say that I can think of some thought  provoking questions to discuss in class about this mainly because it is not about having a differance opinion to me and discussing things in ways where you are like okay I as an adult shall politely disagree with you or sit or sit say this is inspiring and you’re ignorant for not seeing what I see. If I wanted to argue and discuss philosophical terms of life I would have stayed in political science and policy debate.  I just want to admire the art and say what I enjoyed about it and the key points. I am rambling now. If I have to best explain what I think and the beauty of Lockhorn’s pieces I will simply refer you to a special math equation I know.-well several
This where math meets art, much like the geometric shapes formed from the human body these are what I consider beauty of the world.

Monday, 11 March 2013


I want to withdraw/dropout of school, I can't take the complications anymore. Every time I think things are going well, something happens and jeopardizes it all. I am just miserable at this point...I hate the administration, I just want to finish my degree and leave, I don't even care what my GPA is at this point, I just want to leave. I can't really take it here anymore, I'm just stuck, I want to just take the liberal arts credits I gained and just go for my bachelors already(which I can do) the only people who would be upset would be my parents. Mostly because I wouldn't have a graduation, and they would try to get me to transfer to a school that has nothing to do with my current or future major.

I really can't take another complication....

I even googled how to drop out of college-I'm really that desperate at this point, and I found an article by the NY times, it was an interview with a college dropout and at the bottom there was a list(well two). You should drop out of college when... and You shouldn't drop out of college when...

  Have mercy please God erasus(Erase*us)

I highlighted the ones that apply to me.

You might want to stay in school if…
You’re happy there.
At school, you find yourself happy more often than not. Far from discontent with the system, you thrive in it. Lecture-based learning may not work for other students, but it works for you. You consistently feel inspired and excited to go to class.
You’re developing skills you’ll need for your future career.
If you’re a humanities student who finds yourself making leaps in terms of critical thinking, stay in school until you can replicate that progress outside of classroom. If you’re a student who needs access to specific resources (e.g. you’re a science major with lab work), stay in school until you can find other ways to get the materials that you need.
You’re learning a lot, and while a degree would be nice, it’s not why you’re there.
You see college not as a means to an end, but as a legitimate way to learn new things. If you feel intellectually stimulated (and wouldn’t if you were a self-directed student), don’t drop out. This path is working for you.
You got a good price for it.
It’s not unreasonable to stay if you’re attending a good school on a scholarship. Just make the most of your college experience — Scott Young wrote a great article about this here.
You like the structure that college provides.
Having a school environment can be powerful. It’s easy to stay on track, make friends, and understand what you have to do to achieve your goals.The prospect of being on your own is scary; the pressure of knowing that your education lies in your own hands makes opting out of the system even more difficult. Stay in school if freedom sounds to you more paralyzing than it does empowering.
You want to be a doctor or a dentist.
If you’re pursuing a career in a highly regulated field, dropping out is not for you. There’s no way around it — for the safety of the public, these professions simply require a degree. Fun fact though:if you want to become the next President of the United States, then yes, you can leave.

Everyday I wake to more stagnant bullshit

You should consider dropping out of school if…
You’re miserable. 
You feel increasingly frustrated and disillusioned by the homogeneity of your peers. You’ve read and fervently agree with William Deresiewicz’s “The Disadvantages of An Elite Education.”
You can use other resources to develop the skills that you need for the future. 
There are cheaper ways to get the education that you want — whether it’s through MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), alternative school-like programs, or your own initiatives. In this case, college isn’t cost-effective, and you should really check out the UnCollege resource page.
You’re not really learning, and you’re only there to get a degree. 
If your plan is skip class, get straight Cs, and do the least amount of work possible to get a degree, you need to seriously reconsider how you’re spending your time. There are more effective ways to get credentials (e.g. by building an online portfolio of practical experience). You might even learn something along the way — something more tangible than the ability to cram for finals exams.
You’re piling on student loans that will limit your career choices to investment banking (or something equally soul-sucking).
This one is self-explanatory.
You crave the freedom of designing your own path.
You know you can learn faster and more effectively outside of the classroom. You feel limited by college if anything; even actively participating in out-of-school activities isn’t cutting it for you.
You can hack your way into the field you want to work in.
In fields like entrepreneurship, computer science and art (of all kinds), your ability to execute your ideas is infinitely more important your ability to brag about where you graduated from. You should be getting as much practical experience as possible.

When I escape it there's more stagnant bullshit.

All the complications are so depressing...I can't even drink on a regular make them pass by and relax more over it, which is frustrating beyond belief. It is my last full semester in this program(I'm not counting the two classes in the summer) but it doesn't seem to want to end...I told myself, I would do my best this semester, and raises my GPA through getting Bs and As in my this point I'm getting Bs and Ds......I just keep letting myself down, I'm finishing work ahead of time only to have a computer error either delete, corrupt or not attach the file. Me being an idiot and working on so many things I forget to back up 40% of the time.

Lost in this place It's such a waste, I can't watch things further complicate.....

I don't want to let my profs. down either, they're putting so much faith in me this semester to pass all my classes and show that they didn't just go through all the trouble of pulling strings for a total idiot that is just going to fuck everything up. So far I'm not doing to well on not showing that....
I keep letting myself and others down at this point, if I just stopped everything and went to work, then my bachelor's I feel it would be better....I would not longer be letting people down, my profs. are already encouraging me to drop their courses so they don't have that random D student bringing the average down... I doubt it would matter either.....

I hope I don't bore you while I whine about it, I hope you won't be sadden while I cry about it.....

INTERVIEWS(ARTICLES) <-article <- interview with a graphic designer...I understand his decisions....

I want to withdraw from everything in my life, just drop it all before I make things any worse than they already, go to Canada, start at York/Seneca then work and be away it all...I need to stop letting so many people down....

Friday, 8 March 2013


I had already committed so many sins already- But above all the sin of going against your commands...I've finally settled all of this.

With my own execution, all the souls of the past and future need love.
If they were only sheep it'd be alright. But they're always so desperate to reject anything that they can't understand

Everyone watches the same thing, listens to the same music and feels moved by the same things.
 And they even go to the same places so they get crowded and jammed up, making lines and stuff, wasting time, just like sheep being herded.
That's why I hate them.

I already got rid of my foolish emotions, long ago it was more like I felt my heart slowly dying as I sliced through. but if I would put it more accurately those who die laughing, despite how foolish they look and those who live by killing their hearts and happiness hardening expressions, if I am to live by killing my heart, then I am already dead. I am lost... Who's the real winner here?

The strong feed upon the weak, this phrase doesn't mean you have to give up now

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Prof. Love.

Yesterday I received an email from my fashion business prof threatening to fail me if I make any comment that she feels does not pertain to fashion business because I make people feel miserable because I am miserable. I wrote her a letter explaining to her that I am not miserable and just making other people miserable as I am.
Dear Prof. Love,

     With all due respect you did not receive a reply to your email because there are people who simply can not comprehend certain things, such as depression and mental states. I deduced you as one of them. Your follow up has proven me correct. 

I am not simply miserable because of a major, alone. I am severely depressed. Plain and simple. The major was not the issue the people and the profs. such as yourself are. You don't comprehend that there are things worse than a bad day, week or just unlucky patch of luck.  If I was just miserable or that fake depressed I constantly hear about at school over not being able to buy something or only getting one out of five internships, it would just be a case of me sucking it up and moving on. However I am not that.

Depression is not just some you are sad all time and negative, it comes and goes. When its gone things are relatively stable, when it comes back it hits hard like a freight train at top speed.  I am tired of getting dirty looks from not only my peers but profs. as well for having a negative aspect of life and notfinding joy in vacuous things such as an expansion of an accessories line or the thought of working at a high end brand, not gaining inspiration from a urinal on a podium or ecstatic at the thought of working in team with other people and relying on them for help(people suck plain and simple). I don't want to sit and pretend that I find all these things uplifting and interesting-that would be me lying to myself and everyone else about myself.

I do enjoy fashion merchandising, I am good at it, as well as at customer service, PR, event planning, and marketing/budgeting. These are what I use to bury myself in to escape my depression, the people involved in it at FIT have ruined this for me and caused a new trigger to form over the last two years. I fall into my cycle more easily now, and fluctuate constant due to it. 

The best comparison I can make to form a suitable analogy for you would be Planet Of The Apes. The main character awakes to find himself in a twisted world where he is seen as crazy and incorrect. He spends the entire movie trying to convince everyone of the world he is from how backwards this one is and the promise of a different life if they can escape the world they are in. The people totter around like brainwashed drones isolating him (even the higher ups) and looking down on him for seeing more than what is front of him and knowing more. In the end he discovers that the world he knew is gone replaced by the current twisted one , at this point he loses his mind.

So with all due respect prof Love I have a right to feel something other than happy about my life and I should not have to lie about it to everyone I encounter and play along with their happy world of discussing brands and loving them. 

Thank you,

-Bret Roberson 

Friday, 1 March 2013

PS1 Report

PS1- sounds much like an elementary school, though with the grave restrictions placed on everything you would think it was one compared to MoMa. Regardless of this I was able to snag some very nice shots of a few good pieces that were by an artist whos work is displayed at MoMa currently; as well as a few from other artist.

The main exhibit of why we were at PS 1 to begin(Huma Bhabha Unnatural Histories) with is what deeply inspired me in many ways. I sketched several of her pieces on displayed and from there whilst sketching a styrofoam sculpture I made an add in of a persona creature and even dedicated a blog post to the piece and made several other persona pieces.

I added all the pieces to my sketchbook portfolio for the BFA. They were utterly inspiring, the one styrofoam sculpture that really inspired me and struck a cord with me had a very boxy design and within I placed my 'persona' . I added colour and shadow to it growing it into something more and allowing something more to spark from it. I can not really explain what it is that this piece was meant to say. However while drawing it the boxy feel mentally opened up this idea of a safe place, not to go to but to hide in.

The piece is shown below in my sketch with my persona creature added in, it is the most inspiring part of the exhibit for me, it sparked my persona series of sketches and illustrations. I saw not anything different with the piece just a place that meant more to me than another person.
( Sketch Version)
(Illustration Version)

It is a bit hard to explain the feelings grasped and seen in this piece, because perception is different for everyone, I do not think anyone else used this piece or felt the same strange connection to it. Of all the pieces I sketched, this one I can honestly say is the most heart-throbbing piece there. Though that is just my opinion.
The piece helped me define my persona a bit better than I previously could.
My Persona:
I feel as if I am always hiding, when drawing first the box complex there was a gap, and mentally I sought a safety in that space. I placed myself as a small creature in that space. I am always trying to hide- not out of shyness but fear. I'm like a persona in a clear box you can't see the box just what is inside, I am hiding or trying to but it is not obvious to those around me.

Photos from PS1