I'm not particularly knowledgeable of Jewish artists, however i was amazed at the pieces i saw. The movement pieces were stunning, and the science behind them were completely brilliant.
Though contemporary dance is not my most liked method of expressing contemporary art it is very interesting to look at. Sharon Lockhorn expressed the motions of the human body, also if you notice below, Bret being Bret I took tons of photos of things I’m not supposed to.
I learned and was finally caught by a passing security guard (after photo number 35) that no pictures are allowed in the space(still took another 42 more).
I love when there is a science and layout behind things especially in art, it shows so much more beauty and depth to it, by saying there is something much more to this than just an odd yet pretty piece. There is math, science and precision that takes place, this is the beauty of the world, when the logical crosses and blends with the typically illogical and creates this yet amazing beauty. I simply love it, I can’t really say that I can think of some thought provoking questions to discuss in class about this mainly because it is not about having a differance opinion to me and discussing things in ways where you are like okay I as an adult shall politely disagree with you or sit or sit say this is inspiring and you’re ignorant for not seeing what I see. If I wanted to argue and discuss philosophical terms of life I would have stayed in political science and policy debate. I just want to admire the art and say what I enjoyed about it and the key points. I am rambling now. If I have to best explain what I think and the beauty of Lockhorn’s pieces I will simply refer you to a special math equation I know.-well several
This where math meets art, much like the geometric shapes formed from the human body these are what I consider beauty of the world.
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