Friday, 1 March 2013

PS1 Report

PS1- sounds much like an elementary school, though with the grave restrictions placed on everything you would think it was one compared to MoMa. Regardless of this I was able to snag some very nice shots of a few good pieces that were by an artist whos work is displayed at MoMa currently; as well as a few from other artist.

The main exhibit of why we were at PS 1 to begin(Huma Bhabha Unnatural Histories) with is what deeply inspired me in many ways. I sketched several of her pieces on displayed and from there whilst sketching a styrofoam sculpture I made an add in of a persona creature and even dedicated a blog post to the piece and made several other persona pieces.

I added all the pieces to my sketchbook portfolio for the BFA. They were utterly inspiring, the one styrofoam sculpture that really inspired me and struck a cord with me had a very boxy design and within I placed my 'persona' . I added colour and shadow to it growing it into something more and allowing something more to spark from it. I can not really explain what it is that this piece was meant to say. However while drawing it the boxy feel mentally opened up this idea of a safe place, not to go to but to hide in.

The piece is shown below in my sketch with my persona creature added in, it is the most inspiring part of the exhibit for me, it sparked my persona series of sketches and illustrations. I saw not anything different with the piece just a place that meant more to me than another person.
( Sketch Version)
(Illustration Version)

It is a bit hard to explain the feelings grasped and seen in this piece, because perception is different for everyone, I do not think anyone else used this piece or felt the same strange connection to it. Of all the pieces I sketched, this one I can honestly say is the most heart-throbbing piece there. Though that is just my opinion.
The piece helped me define my persona a bit better than I previously could.
My Persona:
I feel as if I am always hiding, when drawing first the box complex there was a gap, and mentally I sought a safety in that space. I placed myself as a small creature in that space. I am always trying to hide- not out of shyness but fear. I'm like a persona in a clear box you can't see the box just what is inside, I am hiding or trying to but it is not obvious to those around me.

Photos from PS1

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